Family First

Do you know what is in your everyday household products? 

Household products that you clean your house with, put on your body, and breath can be causing serious damage to your health including:


I can share with you how to save money and create a healthier environment for your family without harsh chemicals!


Contains: ETHANOL - linked to cancer and damage to the lungs and nervous system. LINEAR ALLKYLATE SULFONATES and SODIUM TRIPOLYPHOSPHATES leave residue on your clothes which is absorbed into your system through your skin and has been linked to liver damage. NONYL PHENOL ETHOXYLATE which is banned in Europe. Studies have found that this stimulates the growth of breast cancer cells and feminizes male fish.


Contains: PHOSPHATES - in-expensive water softener that when introduced into our rivers, lakes, and ponds produces over growth in algae lowering oxygen levels disrupting the entire aquatic ecosystem. CHLORINE BLEACH when mixed with hot water produces toxic chlorine fumes released into the air through steam. Common symptoms include headache, burning eyes, and respiratory problems. ALKALINE burns skin, mouth and eyes. DIETHANOLSAMINE which poisons your liver. NAPTHA - linked to cancer, lung damage, and depresses and damages your central nervous system.

Contains: AMMONIA and ISOPROPANOL causes kidney and liver damage and tumors. DIETHYLENE GLYCOL which attacks the central nervous system and damages the liver and kidneys. GLYCOL ETHERS causes reproductive disorders.


FD&C BLUE #1 which is a known carcinogen. ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS like saccharin and even sugar which causes cavities! "Most toothpastes contain a number of slow moving poisons that accumulate in your body and lead to toxic overload."


Contains: SILICONES, BUTANE GAS, & PROPANE GAS - harmful if inhaled, narcotic, may cause brain damage, depresses the central nervous system. 


Contains: QUATERNIUM-15 (FORMALDEHYDE) - Carcinogenic, known to cause cancer, kidney and liver damage. DEA,TEA,MEA - Hormone disruptor's, cancer causing agents. PROPYLENE GLYCOL - Neurotoxin and can cause kidney and liver damage. PHTHALATES - Can impact birth outcomes, including gestational age and birth weight, can cause low fertility and anatomical abnormalities related to the male genitalia in early puberty. 


ALKYL DIMETHYL BENZYL AMMONIUM CHLORIDE - Registered Pesticide, harmful if inhaled or ingested. DENATURED ETHANIOL if inhaled or ingested can cause central nervous system depression. ORTHOPHENYLPHENOL (OPP) is a know carcinogen and can cause skin irritation, headache, blurred vision, nausea, diarrhea, loss of reflexes, or cardiac arrest.


EYESHADOWS - COAL TAR DYES are a known carcinogen and are easily absorbed into the skin. Most contain lead, cobalt, nickel, chromium, and arsenic. LIPSTICKS - SYNTHETIC OILS, PETROLEUM WAXES, & COAL TAR DYE all of which are carcinogenic and easily absorbed through the skin.


QUATERNIUM-15 (FORMALDEHYDE) - known carcinogen. DIOXANE, TEA, DMDM HYDANTOIN release carcinogenic formaldehyde known to cause dermatitis, cancer, kidney and liver damage. ALKALINE can burn the skin, mouth, and eyes. DIETHANOLSAMINE can poison your liver. NAPTHA can cause cancer, lung damage, damage to your mucous membranes, depresses and damages your central nervous system. PHTHALATES - impact birth outcomes, including gestational age and birth weight, lowers fertility and anatomical abnormalities related to the makegenitalia during early puberty.  


SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE is a neurotoxin and can cause kidney and liver damage, severe lung damage and reproduction issues. DANGER! Causes severe eye injuries and can burn the skin, mouth, throat, and stomach. DIOXINS - a 300,000 times more potent carcinogen than DDT. It will bio-accumulate in the body because we cannot detoxify it. VAPORS can interfere with brain function, aggravate heart conditions and asthma.  

ALKYL DIMETHYL BENZYL AMMONIUM CHLORIDE - Registered Pesticide, harmful if inhaled or ingested. DENATURED ETHANIOL if inhaled or ingested can cause central nervous system depression. ORTHOPHENYLPHENOL (OPP) is a know carcinogen and can cause skin irritation, headache, blurred vision, nausea, diarrhea, loss of reflexes, or cardiac arrest.


Warning! Strong Lung Irritant! AMMONIA causes kidney and liver damage. ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER, listed by the EPA as possible human carcinogen and can cause depression, nausea, vomiting, headache, lesions may occur in brain, lung or liver, possible bone marrow depression. PHENOL linked to cancer, reproductive disorders, kidney and liver damage and can cause chronic lung irritation.

 Why are such harmful products being sold at our supermarkets?

The labeling laws that govern large manufacturers are over 50 years old!  They are meant to protect the manufacturer and it's workers, not us, the consumers.  With the dramatic rise in asthma, autism, and cancer in children, it raises many questions that need to be addressed.  We are partnered with a company that has been green for over 23 years and is dedicated to providing the healthiest products on the market for us and our environment.  They spend 20-30% more in researching and developing their products giving us an edge on all our competition.  Join our team!  Request to set up an appointment for more info. at
 or call 610-459-2351 to schedule an appointment.